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The Growing Concern of Video Game Addiction in Nigeria

Video game addiction, recognized officially as "Gaming Disorder" by the World Health

Organization (WHO), has been gaining attention as a significant public health issue globally.

In Nigeria, as in many parts of the world, the increasing accessibility of video games across

various platforms has led to concerns about the potential for addiction, especially among

young people.

Prevalence of Video Gaming in Nigeria

Nigeria, with its burgeoning youth population and expanding digital infrastructure, has seen a

rapid increase in the popularity of video gaming. In n Nigeria the visible growth in gaming,

both recreational and professional, indicates that the issue of gaming addiction is growing.

Factors contributing to the increase in Video Game Addiction

  • Social Isolation

  • Economic Challenges

  • The rise of eSports

Impact of Video Game Addiction

  • Excessive gaming is linked to issues such as anxiety, depression, and social phobia.

  • Long hours spent gaming can lead to sedentary lifestyles, contributing to obesity, vision problems, and musculoskeletal issues.

  • Gaming addiction can detract from academic performance and occupational responsibilities, affecting future prospects.

  • Intense gaming can lead to social withdrawal, impacting relationships and community involvement.

Strategies to Address Video Game Addiction in Nigeria

  • Schools and community organizations can play a crucial role in educating children. and parents about the risks of gaming addiction.

  • Encouraging parents to monitor and regulate their children’s gaming activities can help mitigate the risk of addiction.

  • Promoting physical activities and alternative hobbies that can divert attention from excessive gaming.


Video game addiction is an emerging concern in Nigeria that necessitates timely and

effective responses. By recognizing the signs and impacts of gaming disorder, and

implementing strategic measures to combat its rise in Nigeria.

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