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Understanding Diarrhoeal Diseases


Diarrhoea is a common condition characterized by loose or watery bowel movements (1). While often temporary and mild, causing only a few extra bathroom visits, it can sometimes be indicative of a more serious health issue. Types of diarrhoea include the following (2, 3,):

  • Acute diarrhoea: Lasts one to two days, generally resolves without treatment.

  • Persistent diarrhoea: Continues for two to four weeks.

  • Chronic diarrhoea: Lasts more than four weeks or occurs regularly over a long period, possibly signalling a serious condition.

Causes of diarrhoea

Causes of diarrhoea may include but is not limited to (3,6):

  • Infections such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites are common causes. 

  • Food Poisoning

  • Side effects of some medications

  • Allergic reactions or intolerances to foods 

  • Chronic Digestive Disorders such as Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Impact of diarrhoea

One of the most common negative issues caused by diarrhoea is dehydration (3). Dehydration is very risky for infants, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems.

Treatment of diarrhoea

There are many over the counter medications that can treat diarrhoea (3). The use of probiotic supplements is also of benefit to assist in recovery. Use of electrolyte rehydration solutions and water will also assist in recovery. Avoiding products that cause dehydration is also useful (e.g. caffeine and alcohol).

Prevention of diarrhoea

Maintaining good personal hygiene and clean hands will assist in preventing diarrhoea in occurring. In addition to this, appropriate and safe storage, preparation, and cooking of foods is also beneficial as a preventive measure (2,4).



  1. Stanley L. Marks (2013), Canine and Feline Gastroenterology. P99-108 Diarrhea - PMC (

  2. Jaime Aranda-Michel MDRalph A Giannella MD. (1999), Acute diarrhea: a practical review, The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 106, Issue 6, Pages 670-676Acute diarrhea: a practical review - The American Journal of Medicine (

  3. H. L. DuPont, (2009), Bacterial Diarrhea, The New England Journal of Medicine, volume 361, Bacterial Diarrhea Review.pdf (

  4. S. Guandalini, (2011), Probiotics for Prevention and Treatment of Diarrhea, Journal Clinical Gastroenterol, volume 45, issue 3 276fc9bd678c78061573e30dff8fe037984a.pdf (

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